
We are a Chaper of Companions meeting in Farnborough

The Royal Arch (or ‘Chapter’) is the fourth and final stage in ‘Pure Antient Masonry’, as defined in the Act of Union of 1813 that created the current United Grand Lodge of England. “Pure Ancient Freemasonry consists of but three degrees and three degrees only, namely, that of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, including the Holy Royal Arch.”

Membership is open to all who have been a Master Mason for at least 4 weeks. As such, to become a Royal Arch Mason, you have first to be a Freemason. Please click here for details.

Meetings are called Convocations and are held in a chapter instead of a lodge. It requires a different set of regalia and members can be recognized in a craft lodge by the wearing of the Royal Arch jewel.

The Ceremony of Exaltation sees members follow the clues from the Third Degree to complete their journey in Pure Antient Masonry, in a spectacular and unforgettable ceremony. Through ongoing participation, members will work together with old friends and new Companions to build on the principles of the Craft, and unlock fresh perspectives on the meaning and value of Freemasonry.

Mercury Chapter No. 4581 was formed in 1952. It meets at Farnborough Masonic Centre on the 1st Thursday in February, April (Installation), October, and December.

Mercury Chapter has members from a number of Lodges, not just Mercury Lodge, and welcomes inquiries from all potential members who would like to take their next step.

We hope you will find this site informative. Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a member.

83 Chapters

in Hampshire & Isle of Wight

4 Chapters

meet at Farnborough

3 Chapters

meet at Aldershot

Our Chapter


Mercury Chapter was formed under the Supreme Grand Chapter, and was consecrated in 1952 to provide a chapter appended to the Mercury Lodge.

Our membership is many and varied, having members with a background in the fields of Aviation, Civil Engineering, Information Technology, Broadcast Media and the Armed Forces.

Given that the chapter also has wide age range, we would welcome new members at any point in their Masonic or adult life.


Meetings are held at the Farnborough Masonic Centre,

37 Alexandra Road, Farnborough, GU14 6BS

Our Meetings

We meet four times per annum on the 1st Thursday in February, April, October and December.


Many of our members visit and meet with members of other chapters – new members to the order are encouraged to visit and meet other companions.


The Principals of the Lodge are elected into that appointment after progressing through the chapter offices. When they areappointed, this is called ‘Installation’.

Join us!

How do I join?

Are you thinking about joining the Royal Arch but do not know where to start?

As with all the appendent orders in Freemasonry, you do not need to be asked. Mercury Chapter is very keen to accommodate new members and invites you to make contact from this site, talk to your Lodge’s Royal Arch Representative, or to a mhttps://mercurychapter.org.uk/contact/ember already known to you. This person will likely become your proposer. A seconder will be introduced to you to support your application.

It is a requirement that you are already a Freemason under the UGLE constitution, of good standing before you will be allowed to join a Royal Arch Chapter under the Supreme Grand Chapter of England and Wales.

If you are already a Royal Arch Companion looking to join us, we will also welcome your application, and assure you of the warmest of welcomes. Again please feel free to contact us by email or the contact form.

You don’t need to be invited

Membership requirements are basically the same as to become a Freemason, that is: You must have belief in a supreme being. You must understand that there is no pecuniary advantage in being a mason and we do not favour members in business or other matters. The minimum age for membership is 18 years.


Freemasonry is a great contributor of charitable donations and is solely funded through the generosity of individual Freemasons and their families with no contributions being collected from the public. During the lodge meeting or at the Festive Board, we collect alms, and run a raffle. We also use our social events to raise money.

The national charity is the Masonic Charitable Foundation and if you would like more information on its work please visit the website.


The Province of Hampshire & Isle of Wight supports a number of Provincial charities and details of these can be found by following the link to Provincial Grand Lodge Home Page.

Mercury Lodge plays its full part in supporting National, Local, and Masonic Charities.


We would be pleased to hear from you!

If you would like to continue your Masonic journey or have a general inquiry, please contact the Chapter Scribe E using the form below or the email link.